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Air (Small through Elder)(MM) Air (Monolith)(Complete Arcane) Air (Primal)(Epic Level Handbook) Blood (Ravenloft MC10) Earth (Small through Elder)(MM) Earth (Monolith)(Complete Arcane) Earth (Primal)(Epic Level Handbook) Ectoplams (Small through Elder)(WotC's website) Fire (Small through Elder)(MM) Fire (Monolith)(Complete Arcane) Fire (Primal)(Epic Level Handbook) Grave (Ravenloft MC10) Mist (Ravenloft MC10) Nature (MCA2) Pyre (Ravenloft MC10) Shadow (Small through Elder)(Tome of Magic) Storm (Small through Elder)(MMIII) Taint (Small through Elder)(Heroes of Horror) Time (1E MMII) Water (Small through Elder)(MM) Water (Monolith)(Complete Arcane) Water (Primal)(Epic Level Handbook)


Ice (Small through Elder)(Manual of the Planes) Ice (Monolith)(Dragon #347) Magma (Small through Elder)(Manual of the Planes) Magma (Monolith)(Dragon #347) Ooze (Small through Elder)(Manual of the Planes) Ooze (Monolith)(Dragon #347) Smoke (Small through Elder)(Manual of the Planes) Smoke (Monolith)(Dragon #347)

Other Paraelemental Creatures

Frigidarch (Dragon #129) Iceling (Dragon #129) Shiverbug (Dragon #129) Snowfury (Dragon #129)


Ash (PSMCIII) Dust (PSMCIII) Lightning (PSMCIII) Mineral (PSMCIII) Radiance (PSMCIII) Salt (PSMCIII) Steam (PSMCIII) Vacuum (PSMCIII)

Other Quasielemental Creatures

Chamrol (Mineral)(Dragon #174) Energy Pod (Mineral)(Dragon #174) Glomus (Mineral)(Dragon #174) Shard (Mineral)(Dragon #174) Spined Shard (Mineral)(Dragon #174) Trilling Crysmal (Mineral)(Dragon #174)


Ben-Hadar (Dragon #353) Bwimb (The Inner Planes) Bwimb II (The Inner Planes) Chan (Dragon #353) Chilimba (The Inner Planes) Cryonax (Dragon #347) Crystalle (Dragon #174) Ekhahk (The Inner Planes) Imix (Dragon #347) Ogremoch (Dragon #347) Olhydra (Dragon #347) Sunnis (Dragon #353) Sun Sing (The Inner Planes) Ty-H'kadi (Dragon #347) Yan-C-Bin (Dragon #347) Zaaman Ruul (Dragon #353)

Avatars of Elemental Evil

Black Rock Triskelion (Earth Avatar)(MMIV) Cyclonic Ravager (Air Avatar)(MMIV) Holocaust Disciple (Fire Avatar)(MMIV) Waterveiled Assassin (Water Avatar)(MMIV)

Elemental Grues

Air (Ildriss)(Complete Arcane) Earth (Chaggrin)(Complete Arcane) Fire (Harginn)(Complete Arcane) Mud (Dungeon #138) Water (Vardigg)(Complete Arcane)

Elemental Weirds

Air (MMII) Earth (MMII) Fire (MMII) Ice (Frostburn) Lesser (Dragon #347) Ooze (Champions of Ruin) Snow (Frostburn) Water (MMII)

Elemental Stewards

Arctine (Complete Psionic) Emberling (Complete Psionic) Geodite (Complete Psionic) Tempestan (Complete Psionic)

Elemental Vermin

Crawler (PSMCIII) Duster (PSMCIII) Flameling (PSMCIII) Spitter (PSMCIII)

Elementals of Chaos

Eolian (MC8) Erdeen (MC8) Pyrophor (MC8) Undine (MC8)

Elementals of Law

Anemo (MC8) Kryst (MC8) Helion (MC8) Hydrax (MC8)

Elementite Swarms

Air (Planar Handbook) Earth (Planar Handbook) Fire (Planar Handbook) Water (Planar Handbook)


Eoluzim (Dragon #295) Graegzim (Dragon #295) Maronzim (Dragon #295) Naranzim (Dragon #295) Pakim (Dragon #295) Tim (C3: The Lost Island of Castanamir)

Other Elemental Creatures

Aerial Servant (1E MM) Air Sentinel (MC8) Animental (PSMCIII) Belker (MM) Blazewyrm (Dragon Magic) Breathdrinker (MMII) Caller from the Deeps (Stormwrack) Chraal (MMIII) Cinder Swarm (MMIII) Cinderbrute (Dungeon #110) Cloudscout (Dungeon #110) Crysmal (XPH) Dust Twister (Sandstorm) Earthdelver (Dungeon #111) Earth Whisper (Races of Stone) Elemental Beasts (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)(DS MCII) Elmarin (Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space) Fire Bat (MMII) Firesnake (Dungeon #111) Firetongue Frog (Dragon #285) Flame Spirit (MC6) Fundamental (PSMCIII) Galen Duhr (MMII) Horde (AC9 Creature Catalogue) Ice Serpent (MoF) Immoth (MMII) Inferno Spider (MMIV) Invisible Stalker (MM) Living Holocaust (FF) Magma Hurler (MH) Magmal Horror (WotC Online Adventure: Force of Nature) Magmin (MM) Mihstu (1e MMII) Mudman (1e MMII) Nerephtys (Dragon #276) Omnimental (MMIII) Paraelmental Beasts (Magma, Rain, Silt, Sun)(DS MCII) Pech (1e MMII) Phantom Stalker (1e FF) Plasm (Normal and Giant)(Companion Rules) Rainrunner (Dungeon #111) Sandknight (Dungeon #110) Sandling (A4) Sandman (1e FF) Shimmering Wrath (Dungeon #26) Skriaxit (FR10) Stone Spike (MMII) Tempest (MMII) Thoqqua (MM) Tome Guardian (MCA3) Vortex (1e FF) Wavearcher (Dungeon #110) Walking Wall (MH) Wind Walker (1E MM) Windraptor (Dungeon #111)


Air Element Creature (Manual of the Planes) Cold Element Creature (Manual of the Planes) Dream Element Creature (Dragon #287) Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon #285, Dragon Compendium Vol. 1) Earth Element Creature (Manual of the Planes) Fire Element Creature (Manual of the Planes) Half-Elemental (MM) Ice Element Creature (Dragon #347) Magma Element Creature (Dragon #347) Ooze Element Creature (Dragon #347) Orglash (Unapproachable East) Smoke Element Creature (Dragon #347) Thomil (Unapproachable East) Water Element Creature (Manual of the Planes) Wood Element Creature (Manual of the Planes)

Unofficial Sources:

Changeling Fog (Van Richten's Guide to the Mists) Elemental Minions (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)(Bestiary of Krynn) Elemental Spawn (Acid, Dust, Lava, Mist, Mud, Sonic)(Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene) Elemental Weird, Mist (Van Richten's Guide to the Mists) Goblyn Fog (Van Richten's Guide to the Mists) Hearth Fiend (Denizens of Dread) Razhak (Bestiary of Krynn)

Even More Elementals: Ash Elemental (Sylvan Veil) Bi-Nou (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two) Blazozoid (Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix) Chaos Sentinel (Seeds of Chaos) Crystal Spider (Athasian) (Monstrous Compendium Dark Sun Appendix: Terrors of the Desert) Crystal Spider (Dungeon #4) Cthuga's Flame Creature (Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia) Desert Ghost (Creature Catalog (DMR2)) Dharum Suhn (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Dragger (City of Ravens Bluff) Dust Devil (Dragon #45) Elemaster (Immortal Rules) Facet (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Fiery Face (Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad) Fire Archon (Dragon #361) Fire Phantom (Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume Two) Firetail, Lesser (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three) Firetail, Tshala (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three) Flame Roper (Tales of the Outer Planes (OP1)) Flame Swallow (Practical Planetology (SJR4)) Fogwarden (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four) Ice (Polyhedron #21) Infernite (Dragon #159) Kal-Muru (Shipbane) (Creature Catalog (DMR2)) Khargra (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Klyndes (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Living Lahar (Dragon #265) Marut (Wind Spirit) (Legends & Lore) Negative Energy Elemental (Return to the Tomb of Horrors) Negative Fundamental (Return to the Tomb of Horrors) Ooze Sprite (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Pit Snatcher (City by the Silt Sea) Plasman (Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix) Ruin Elemental (Monster Manual V) Sand Spawn (Chaos Spawn: A Chaos War Adventure) Sand Warrior (Priest's Spell Compendium, Volume Two) Scile (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Shocker, Contented One (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Shocker, Sojourner (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Silt Weird (Polyhedron #80) Sky Wyrm (Champions of Mystara: Heroes of the Princess Ark) Smoke Elemental (The Awakening) Snow Mischief (Polyhedron #116) Spawn of Juiblex (Monster Manual V) Stone Snake (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One) Styr (Dark Sun: Shattered Lands) The Ice Fiend (Rjurik Highlands) Vodoni Space Spider (Under the Dark Fist (SJA4)) Wavefire (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III) Well Spirit (Dragon #42) Windigo (Dungeon #77)