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Actaeon 8 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Agarat 9 D&D Expert Module X8 Drums on Fire Mountain (1984), Creature Catalogue (1986) Ash Crawler 10 D&D Companion Module CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls (1985), Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Baldandar 11 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Bargda 12 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Bhut 13 D&D Expert Module X4 Master of the Desert Nomads (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993),Fiend Folio (2003) Bird 14-15 Creature Catalogue (Magpie, Piranha Bird) (1986),Creature Catalog (Magpie, Piranha Bird) (1993),D&D Expert Module B5 Horror on the Hill (Piranha Bird) (1983),D&D Expert Module X6 Quagmire! (Piranha Bird) (1984), D&D Basic Module B1-9 "In Search of Adventure" (Piranha Bird) (1987), Wrath of the Immortals (Sprackle) (1992) Magpie (common and giant), Piranha Bird (lesser and greater), and Sprackle (lesser and greater) Blackball 16 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Brain Collector 17 D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1981),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993),Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four (1998),Epic Level Handbook (2002),Dungeon No. 144 (2007) Also known as the Neh-Thallgu in later sources. Chevall 18 Creature Catalogue (1986),GAZ1: Grand Duchy of Karameikos (1987),GAZ5: Elves of Alfheim (1988), PC4: Night Howlers (1992),Creature Catalog (1993) Choker 19 GAZ6: Dwarves of Rockholm(1988),Creature Catalog (1993),Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual (2003) Coltpixy 20 PC1: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk (1991),Creature Catalog (1993) Crone of Chaos 21 D&D Basic Module B8 Journey to the Rock (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),D&D Expert Module B1-9 "In Search of Adventure" (1987),Creature Catalog (1993) Darkhood 22 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Darkwing 23 Decapus 24 D&D Basic Module B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (1981),D&D Expert Module X9 Savage Coast (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),D&D Expert Module B1-9 "In Search of Adventure" (1987),Creature Catalog (1993) Deep Glaurant 25 GAZ8: Five Shires (1988),Creature Catalog (1993) Diabolus 26 D&D Immortals Set (1986),Wrath of the Immortals (1992),Terrors from Above (1998) Dragon, General 27 Powerful and intelligent, usually winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon. -- Dragon, Crystalline 28 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) -- Dragon, Jade 29 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Not to be confused with the Jade Dragon detailed in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994). -- Dragon, Onyx 30 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) -- Dragon, Ruby 31 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Dragonfly 32-33 D&D Expert Module XL1 Quest for the Heartstone (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) White, Black, Green, Blue and Red Drake, Mystaran 34-35 Mandrake, Wooddrake, Colddrake and Elemental Drake D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Dusanu 36 D&D Expert Module X5 Temple of Death (1983),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993),Dragon No. 339 (2006) Elemental of Chaos, Air/Earth 37 D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Eolian and Erdeen Elemental of Chaos, Fire/Water 38 D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Pyrophor and Undine Elemental of Law, Air/Earth 39 D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Anemo and Kryst Elemental of Law, Fire/Water 40 D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Helion and Hydrax Familiar 41-42 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Aryth, Bogan, Fylgar, Gretch and Ulzaq Frost Salamander 43 D&D Expert Rules (1981, 1983),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991),Planescape – Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (1998),Monster Manual II (2002) Frost Salamander and Ice Crab Fundamental, Air/Earth 44 D&D Expert Module X8 Drums on Fire Mountain (1984), Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993), Planescape – Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (1998) Air and Earth Fundamentals Fundamental, Fire/Water 45 Expert Module X8 Drums on Fire Mountain (1984), Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993), Planescape – Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (1998) Fire and Water Fundamentals Gargantua 46 D&D Companion Rules,D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991)(carrion crawler and troll) Gargantuan Carrion Crawler and Gargantuan Troll Geonid 47 Expert Module X5 Temple of Death (1983), Creature Catalogue (1986), DA3: City of the Gods (1987), Creature Catalog (1993) Ghostly Horde 48 D&D Basic Module B8 Journey to the Rock (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Giant, Athach 49 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991),Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual (2003) Giant, Hephaeston 50 D&D Companion Module CM6 Where Chaos Reigns (1986), Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Golem, Amber/Skeletal 51 D&D Expert Rules (as Amber and Bone Golem) (1981, 1983), D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991), D&D Game (1991), Classic D&D Game (1994) Amber and Skeletal Golem Golem, Drolem 52 D&D Companion Rules, D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Golem, Iron Gargoyle/Mud 53 D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1981) (Mud Golem), D&D Companion Rules (1984) (Mud Golem),Creature Catalogue (1986) (Iron Gargoyle),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991)(Mud Golem), Creature Catalog (1993) (Iron Gargoyle), Monster Manual III (2004) (Mud Golem) Iron Gargoyle and Mud Golem Golem, Rock/Silver 54 Creature Catalogue (1986) (Rock, Silver Golem),Monstrous Compendium Dark Sun Appendix: Terrors of the Desert (1992), (Rock Golem) Creature Catalog (1993) (Rock, Silver Golem) Rock and Silver Golem Gray Philosopher 55 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Gray Philosopher and Malice Guardian Warrior 56 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Guardian Warrior and Guardian Horse Gyerian 57 D&D Companion Module CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls (1985), Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Herex 58 Creature Catalogue (1986), DA3: City of the Gods (1987), Creature Catalog (1993) Larval and Adult Herex Hivebrood 59-60 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Broodling, soldier, Lieutenant, Mother and Controller Horde 61 D&D Companion Rules (1984), D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Hsiao 62 D&D Master Rules (1985) Huptzeen 63 Creature Catalogue (1986) Hutaakan 64 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Priest, Warrior and Other Hutaakan Imp 65-66 Creature Catalogue (1986)(Wood Imp),PC1: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk (1991)(Wood Imp),Creature Catalog (1993)(Wood Imp) Wood, Bog and Garden Imp Jellyfish, Giant 67 Creature Catalogue (1986) (Marauder),Creature Catalog (1993) (Marauder) Marauder, Death's Head and Galley Kna 68 Creature Catalogue (1986),PC3: Sea Peoples (1990),Creature Catalog (1993) Kopru 69 D&D Expert Module X1 Isle of Dread (1981),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993),Monster Manual II (2002) Lizard 70-71 D&D Basic Rules (Draco, Gecko, Horned Chameleon, Tuatara), Rules Companion (1991) Draco Lizard, Footpad (giant), Gecko (giant), Horned Chameleon, Lava Lizard, Rockhome Lizard, Tuatara (giant) and Xytar Lizard-kin 72-73 D&D Basic Module B8 Journey to the Rock (1984) (Chamelon Man),Creature Catalogue (1986) (Chamelon Man, Gator Man, Sis'thik),DA4: Duchy of Ten (1987) (Gator Man),D&D Expert Module B1-9 "In Search of Adventure" (1987) (Chamelon Man),Creature Catalog (1993) (Chamelon Man, Gator Man, Sis'thik), Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996) (Cayman) Cayman, Chameleon Man, Gator Man and Sis'thik Lupin 74 D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1982), D&D Expert Module X9 Savage Coast (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),PC4: Night Howlers (1992), Creature Catalog (1993), Red Steel (1994),Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996),Dragon No. 325 (2004) Lycanthrope, Werejaguar 75 HWR1: Sons of Azca (1991), PC4: Night Howlers (1992), Creature Catalog (1993) Lycanthrope, Wereswine 76 D&D Expert Rules (1981, 1983), D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Called "Devil Swine" in earlier appearances Magen 77-78 D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1981), Creature Catalogue (1986), D&D Basic Adventure B12: Queen's Harvest (1989) (Caldron only),Creature Catalog (1993) Demos, Caldron, Galvan and Hypnos Manikin 79 GAZ3: Principalities of Glantri (1987) Mek 80 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Mujina 81 D&D Companion Rules,D&D Expert Module X5 Temple of Death (1983),D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991),Rokugan Campaign Setting (2001) Nagpa 82 D&D Expert Module X4 Master of the Desert Nomads (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),PC2: Top Ballista (1989), Creature Catalog (1993) Nightshade 83-84 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual (2003) Nightcrawler, Nightwalker and Nightwing Nuckalavee 85 D&D Master Rules (1985),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Dragon No. 343 (2006) Pegataur 86 Creature Catalogue (1986),Dawn of the Emperors (1989),PC2: Top Ballista (1991),M2: Vengeance of Alphaks (1991),Creature Catalog (1993),Monstrous Compendium Annual V3 (1996) Phanaton 87 D&D Expert Module X1 Isle of Dread (1981),Creature Catalogue (1986),D&D Master Module M5 Talons of Night (1987),Creature Catalog (1993),Dragon No. 339 (2006) Plant, Dangerous 88-89 D&D Basic Module B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (Archer Bush), D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1981) (Amber Lotus, Grab Grass, Vampire Rose), D&D Companion Rules (Grab Grass) Amber Lotus, Archer Bush, Grab Grass and Vampire Rose Plasm 90 D&D Companion Rules (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Rakasta 91 Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996), D&D Expert Module X1 Isle of Dread (1981), D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (1981),Creature Catalogue (1986),Champions of Mystara: Heroes of the Princess Ark (1993),Creature Catalog (1993),Rage of the Rakasta (1993),Red Steel (1994) Rock Man 92 D&D Expert Module B8 Journey to the Rock (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Saberclaw 93 D&D Companion Module C3 Sabre River (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Sacrol 94 D&D Master Module M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur (1983),D&D Expert Module X9 Savage Coast (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Scamille 95 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Shapeshifter 96-97 D&D Basic Module B4 The Lost City (Polymar) (1982),D&D Master Rules (Adaptor, Metamorph) (1985),Creature Catalogue (Polymar, Randara) (1986),D&D Basic Module B1-9 "In Search of Adventure" (Polymar) (1987),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Adaptor, Metamorph) (1991),Creature Catalog (Polymar, Randara) (1993) Adaptor, Metamorph, Polymar and Randara Shargugh 98 D&D Expert Module O2 Blade of Vengeance (1984),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Shark-kin 99 Creature Catalogue (1986),PC3: Sea Peoples (1990),Creature Catalog (1993) Sollux 100 D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (as Sun Brother) (1981),Creature Catalogue (1986),DA4: Duchy of Ten (1987),Creature Catalog (1993) Spectral Death 101 Spectral Hound 102 D&D Expert Module X5 Temple of Death (1983), D&D Companion Rules,D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991) Spider-kin 103-104 D&D Expert Module X1 Isle of Dread (Aranea) (1981), D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (Aranea) (1981), D&D Expert Rules (Rhagodessa) (1981, 1983),D&D Master Rules (Planar Spider),(1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),D&D Master Module M5 Talons of Night (1987),Rules Cyclopedia (Planar Spider,Rhagodessa) (1991),Wrath of the Immortals (Ploppéd) (1992),Champions of Mystara: Heroes of the Princess Ark (Aranea) (1993),Red Steel (Aranea) (1994),Monster Manual (Aranea) (2003) Aranea, Planar Spider, Ploppéd and Rhagodessa Aranea not to be confused with similar creature defined in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996), Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996) Spirit 105-106 D&D Companion Rules (Druj and Odic) (1984),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Druj and Odic) (1991) Druj and Odic Statue, Living 107-108 D&D Basic Rules (Crystal, Iron, Rock) (1981, 1983), D&D Basic Module B10 Night's Dark Terror (Jade, Ooze, Silver, Steel) (1986), Creature Catalogue (Jade, Ooze, Silver, Steel) (1986),D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Crystal, Iron, Rock) (1991), Creature Catalog (Jade, Ooze, Silver, Steel) (1993) Crystal, Iron, Jade, Rock, Ooze, Silver and Steel Surtaki 109 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Tabi 110 D&D Expert Module X4 Master of the Desert Nomads (1983),D&D Expert Module X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),PC2: Top Ballista (1989),Creature Catalog (1993) Thoul 111 D&D Basic Rules (1981, 1983), D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991), D&D Game (1991), Classic D&D Game (1993) Thunderhead 112 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Tiger, Ebon 113 Rage of the Rakasta (1993) Topi 114 D&D Expert Module X8 Drums on Fire Mountain (1984), Creature Catalogue (1986) Tortle 115 D&D Expert Module X9 Savage Coast (1985),Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993),Red Steel (1994),Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1996),Dragon No. 315 (2004) Tortle and Snapper Vampire, Velya 116 D&D Expert Module X7 War Rafts of Kron (1984), Creature Catalogue (1986),D&D Companion Module CM9 Legacy of Blood (as Swamp Velya) (1987),Creature Catalog (1993) White Fang 117 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Worm 118-119 D&D Expert Rules (Caecilia) (1981,1983), D&D Expert Module X2 Castle Amber (Slime Worm) (1981),Creature Catalogue (Fyrsnaca,Red Worm) (1986),D&D Expert Adventure XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain (Fyrsnaca, Red Worm) (1989) ,D&D Basic Adventure B11: King's Festival (Red Worm) (1989),HWA1: Nightwail (Great Annelid) (1990), HWA2: Nightrage (Great Annelid) (1990), D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Caecilia) (1991),Creature Catalog (yrsnaca,Great Annelid,Red Worm) (1993) Great Annelid, Caecilia, Fyrsnaca, Desert Leviathan, Marine Leviathan, Red Worm and Slime Worm Wyrd 120 D&D Basic Module B10 Night's Dark Terror (1986),Creature Catalogue (Greater) (1986),GAZ5: Elves of Alfheim (Greater) (1988),Creature Catalog (Greater) (1993) Lesser and Greater Yowler 121 Creature Catalogue (1986),Creature Catalog (1993) Zombie, Lightning 122 Wrath of the Immortals (1992) Lesser and Greater