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Aasimar 6-7 Abrian 8-9 Arcane 10-11 Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures In Space (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993) Astral dreadnought 12-13 Manual of the Planes (1987), Manual of the Planes (2001), Manual of the Planes (2008), Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018) Gargantuan creature with a single black eye, gaping maw, muscular forearms, which end in pincer-like claws and serpentine lower body. Arcane considered these monsters to "populate their periphery with true terror".[68] Balaena 14-15 Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix (1991) Bloodthorn 16-17 Bonespear 18-19 Darkweaver 20-21 Demarax 22-23 Dhour 24-25 Eater of Knowledge 26-27 Eladrin 28-29 Eladrin, Bralani (Lesser) 30 Eladring, Coure (Lesser) 31 Eladrin, Firre (Greater) 32 Eladrin, Ghaele (Greater) 33 Eladrin, Noviere (Lesser) 34 Eladrin, Shiere (Lesser) 35 Eladrin, Tulani (Greater) 36-37 Fhorge 38-39 Ghostlight 40-41 Guardinal 42-43 Powerful neutral good celestials[69] from Elysium, each a humanoid with some animalistic characteristics. Arcane magazine cites the culture of the guardinals as helping "give the Planes a solid base of peoples".[68] Guardinal, Avoral 44 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Monster Manual (2000), Savage Species (2003), Monster Manual (2003), Planar Handbook (2004) Guardinal, Cervidal 45 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Monster Manual II (2002) Guardinal, Equinal 46 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Book of Exalted Deeds (2003) Guardinal, Leonal 47 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Manual of the Planes (2001), Monster Manual (2003) Guardinal, Lupinal 48 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Monster Manual II (2002) Guardinal, Ursinal 49 Blood Wars Card Game (1995), Warriors of Heaven (1999), Book of Exalted Deeds (2003) Hollyphant 50-51 Incantifer (Sect) 52-53 Ironmaw 54-55 Keeper 56-57 Khaasta 58-59 Normal, Chieftain and Wise One Leomarh 60-61 Merkhant (Sect) 62-63 Monster of Legend 64-65 Mortai 66-67 Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix (1991) Noctral 68-69 Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix (1991) Observer 70-71 Prolonger 72-73 Quill 74-75 Rager (Sect) 76-77 Razorvine 78-79 Reave 80-81 Retriever 82-83 Monstrous Compendium – Fiend Folio Appendix (1992) Rilmani 84-85 Rilmani, Abiorach 86 Rilmani, Argenach 87 Rilmani, Aurumach 88 Rilmani, Cuprilach 89 Rilmani, Ferrumach 90 Rilmani, Plumach 91 Shadowdrake 92-93 Sympathetic 94-95 Spellhaunt 96-97 Spider, Hook 98-99 Sunfly 100-101 Sword Spirit 102-103 T'uen-Rin 104-105 Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix (1991) Tanar'ri, Alkilith (True) 106-107 Tanar'ri, Bulezau (Lesser) 108-109 Tanar'ri, Maurezhi (Lesser) 110-111 Tanar'ri, Yochlol (Lesser) 112-113 The Drow of the Underdark (1991) (as Yochlol) Terlen 114-115 Tso 116-117 Vaporighu 118-119 Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix (1991) Vorr 120-121 Normal and Shaman Wastrel 122-123 Wraithworm 124-125 Yugoloth, Canoloth 126-127