モンストラス・コンペディウム アニュアル2

提供: DnD5th
移動: 案内検索

Aboleth, Savant 6-7 Night Below (1995) Addazahr 8 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) (as Addazhar (Backbiter)) Thin, blood-drinking flying insect that can cause disease. Amiq Rasol 9 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) Energy-draining undead corsairs. Arch-Shadow 10-11 The Secret of Spiderhaunt (1995), The Return of Randal Morn (1995) Arch-Shadow and Demi-Shade Automaton, Scaladar 12-13 Ruins of Undermountain (1991) (Scaladar),Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Enhanced Scaladr) City of Splendors: Waterdeep (2005) (Scaladar) Scaladar and Enhanced Scaladar Automaton, Triobriand's 14-17 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Ferragam, Silversann and Thanatar Bat, Sporebat 18 Beetle, Dragon 19 City by the Silt Sea (1994) 1-foot-long (0.30 m) horned beetle living in groups with a poison dangerous to drakes, dragons and dray Bi-nou 20-21 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Bi-nou, Rockworm and Rocklord Boggle 22 Brownie, Dobie 23 Dragon #206 (1994) Brownie, Quickling 24 Monstrous Compendium – Greyhawk Appendix (1990) Cat, Great (Cath Shee) 25 Elves of Evermeet (1994) Cat, Crypt 26 The Awakening (1994) Normal and Large Centaur-Kin, Dorvesh 27 Polyhedron #95 (1994) Centaur-Kin, Gnoat 28 Polyhedron #95 (1994) Centaur-Kin, Ha'pony 29 Polyhedron #95 (1994) Centaur-Kin, Zebranaur 30 Polyhedron #95 (1994) Chronolily 31 Dragon's Rest (1990) Immense sentient flower whose nectar reveals images of the past, present and future. Curst 32 City of Splendors (1994) Darktentacles 33-34 Ruins of Undermountain (1991), Monster Manual II (2002) Dinosaur 35-39 Monstrous Compendium – Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989) Allosaurus, Brontosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Compsognathus, Dimetrodon, Euparkeria, Gorgosaurus, Iguanodon, Monoclonius, Plateosaurus, Struthiomimus, Tanystropheus, Teratosaurus and Trachodon Dinosaur, Aquatic 40-41 Monstrous Compendium – Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989) (as Dinosaur) Archelon, Dinichthys, Mosasaurus, Nothosaurus, Plesiosaurus and Temnodontosaurus Dog, Bog Hound 42 Howls in the Night (1994) Doppelganger, Greater 43 City of Splendors (1994) Dragon, Brine 44 Otherlands (1990) Ocean-going dragon with plesiosaur-like body and corrosive alkaline breath weapon. Dragon, Half-Dragon 45 Council of Wyrms (1994) (as race) Dragon-kin, Sea Wyrm 46 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) Large, usually non-aggressive sea serpent with sleep gas as a breath weapon. Dwarf, Wild 47 FR11: Dwarves Deep (1990) Ekimmu 48 Dragon #210 (1994) Elemental, Nature 49 Ruins of Zhentil Keep (1995) Elf, Winged (Avariel) 50-51 Dragon #51 (1981), Complete Elves Handbook (1992) Fish 52-54 Flames of the Falcon (1990) Floating Eye, Hetfish, Masher and Verme Fish, Subterranean 55-56 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Wattley, Lemon Fish and Iridescent Plecoe Flareater 57 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Flumph 58 Fiend Folio (1981) Common and Monastic Froghemoth 59 Monster Manual II (1983), Dungeon #56 (1995) Ghost, Casura 60 Dragon #210 (1994) Ghost, Ker 61 Dragon #210 (1994) Ghul, Great 62 Caravans (1994) Ghul-Kin 63-64 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) Soultaker and Witherer Evil undead jann with shapechanging powers. Giant, Half-giant (Athasian) 65 Terrors Beyond Tyr (1995) Golem, Burning Man 66 Dragon #209 (1994) Golem, Phantom Flyer 67 Dragon #209 (1994) Gulguthhydra 68 City of Splendors (1994) Hakeashar 69 City of Splendors (1994) Horse, Moon-horse 70 Elves of Evermeet (1994) Human, Dragon Slayer 71 NPC variant Human, Vistana 72-73 Jellyfish, Giant (Portuguese Man-o-War) 74 Kalin 75 City by the Silt Sea (1994) 12-foot-long (3.7 m) aggressive insectoid creatures used as mounts by kalin riders. Kholiathra 76 Elves of Evermeet (1994) Laerti 77 Anauroch (1991) Laerti and Stingtail Leucrotta, Greater 78 City of Splendors (1994) Lich, Suel 79 Polyhedron #101 (1994) Lurker, Shadow 80 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Lycanthrope, Werepanther 81 Lycanthrope, Wereshark 82 City of Splendors (1994) Mammal, Giant 83 City of Splendors (1994) Badger, Beaver, Boar, Hyena (Hyenadon), Porcupine, Otter, Skunk, Weasel and Wolverine Mammal, Herd 84 Bull (Wild Ox), Caribou, Giant Goat, Hippopotamus, Llama, Giant Ram, Rhinoceros, Wild Stag and Giant Stag Marl 85 Meenlock 86 Fiend Folio (1981), Flames of the Falcon (1990) Mimic, Greater 87 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Mold 88 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Deep, Gray and Death Mummy, Creature 89-90 Animal and Monster Nyth 91 City of Splendors (1994) Ooze, Slime, Jelly – Ghaunadan 92 City of Splendors (1994) Palimpsest 93 City of Splendors (1994) Peltast 94 City of Splendors (1994) Normal and Greater Plant, Dangerous 95 Bloodthorn, Twilight Bloom and Boring Grass Plant, Dangerous – Firethorn 96 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) (as Firethorn (Sea Rose)) Poisonous rose-like plant that emits heat a night. Pleistocene Animal 97-98 Monstrous Compendium – Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989) (as Pleistocene Animals; all except Irish Deer; Wooly Rhinoceros as White Rhinoceros) Axebeak, Balucitherium, Irish Deer, Megatherium, Phororacos, Wooly Rhino and Titanothere Pudding, Subterranean 99 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Stone, Gray and Dense Raggamoffyn 100-101 City of Splendors (1994) Tatterdemanimal, Common Raggomoffyn, Gutterspite and Shrapnyl Snake, Serpent 102 Ruined Kingdoms (1994) Herald and Teak Snake, Serpent Vine 103 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Sphinx, Draco- 104 Old Empires (1990) Sprite, Seelie Faerie 105 Spellbound (1995) Sprite, Unseelie Faerie 106 Spellbound (1995) Squealer 107 Monster Manual II (1983) Turtle, Giant 108 Monstrous Compendium – Greyhawk Appendix (1990) (as Turtle) Sea and Snapping Umpleby 109 Fiend Folio (1981), Monstrous Compendium – Fiend Folio Appendix (1992) Vizier's Turban 110-111 Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994) Symbiotic creature that looks like a turban and draws hit points while enhancing magical abilities of a spellcaster. Wall-Walker 112 City by the Silt Sea (1994) 5-foot-long (1.5 m), scaled, spider-like subterranean creature using chameleon-like powers and paralytic poison to torment its victims Webbird 113 Monster Manual II (1983) Wraith-Spider 114 Ruins of Undermountain 2 (1994) Yak-Man (Yikaria) 115-116 Land of Fate (1992) Zorbo 117 Monster Manual II (1983)