
提供: D&D3.5版wiki
2018年2月13日 (火) 23:17時点におけるMaster (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

移動: 案内検索
名称 必要条件 出典
Disciple of the Eye
Dracolexi Races of the Dragon
Dragon Devotee Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage Races of the Dragon
Singer of Concordance Races of the Dragon
Death's Chosen Libris Mortis
Dirgesinger Libris Mortis
Ephemeral Exemplar Libris Mortis
Lurking Terror Libris Mortis
Master of Radiance Libris Mortis
Master of Shrouds Libris Mortis
Master Vampire Libris Mortis
Pale Master Libris Mortis
Sacred Purifier Libris Mortis
Tomb Warden Libris Mortis
True Necromancer Libris Mortis
Aboleth Savant Lords of Madness
Abolisher Lords of Madness
Beholder Mage Lords of Madness
Darkrunner Lords of Madness
Fleshwarper Lords of Madness
Keeper of the Cerulean Sign Lords of Madness
Sanctified Mind Lords of Madness
Topaz Guardian Lords of Madness
Cloud Anchorite Frostburn
Cryokineticist Frostburn
Disciple of Thrym Frostburn
Frost Mage Frostburn
Frostrager Frostburn
Knight of the Iron Glacier Frostburn
Primeval Frostburn
Rimefire Witch Frostburn
Stormsinger Frostburn
Winterhaunt of Iborighu Frostburn
Ashworm Dragoon Sandstorm
Lord of Tides Sandstorm
Sand Shaper Sandstorm
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu Sandstorm
Scorpion Heritor Sandstorm
Walker in the Waste Sandstorm
Knight of the Pearl Stormwrack
Legendary Captain Stormwrack
Leviathan Hunter Stormwrack
Scarlet Corsair Stormwrack
Sea Witch Stormwrack
Stormcaster Stormwrack
Wavekeeper Stormwrack
Ebonmar Infiltrator Cityscape
Crimson Scourge Cityscape
Urban Savant Cityscape
Beast Heart Adept Dungeonscape
Dungeon Lord Dungeonscape
Trapsmith Dungeonscape
Diamond Dragon Dragon Magic
Dragon Descendant Dragon Magic
Dragon Lord Dragon Magic
Hand of the Winged Masters Dragon Magic
Pact-Bound Adept Dragon Magic
Swift Wing Dragon Magic
Wyrm Wizard Dragon Magic
Arachnomancer Drow of the Underdark
Cavestalker Drow of the Underdark
Demonbinder Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lolth Drow of the Underdark
Eye of Lolth Drow of the Underdark
Insidious Corruptor Drow of the Underdark
Knight of the Raven Expedition to Castle Ravenloft