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名称 必要条件 出典
Disciple of the Eye Races of the Dragon
Dracolexi Races of the Dragon
Dragon Devotee Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage Races of the Dragon
Singer of Concordance Races of the Dragon
Death's Chosen Libris Mortis
Dirgesinger Libris Mortis
Ephemeral Exemplar Libris Mortis
Lurking Terror Libris Mortis
Master of Radiance Libris Mortis
Master of Shrouds Libris Mortis
Master Vampire Libris Mortis
Pale Master Libris Mortis
Sacred Purifier Libris Mortis
Tomb Warden Libris Mortis
True Necromancer Libris Mortis
Aboleth Savant Lords of Madness
Abolisher Lords of Madness
Beholder Mage Lords of Madness
Darkrunner Lords of Madness
Fleshwarper Lords of Madness
Keeper of the Cerulean Sign Lords of Madness
Sanctified Mind Lords of Madness
Topaz Guardian Lords of Madness
Cloud Anchorite Frostburn
Cryokineticist Frostburn
Disciple of Thrym Frostburn
Frost Mage Frostburn
Frostrager Frostburn
Knight of the Iron Glacier Frostburn
Primeval Frostburn
Rimefire Witch Frostburn
Stormsinger Frostburn
Winterhaunt of Iborighu Frostburn
Ashworm Dragoon Sandstorm
Lord of Tides Sandstorm
Sand Shaper Sandstorm
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu Sandstorm
Scorpion Heritor Sandstorm
Walker in the Waste Sandstorm
Knight of the Pearl Stormwrack
Legendary Captain Stormwrack
Leviathan Hunter Stormwrack
Scarlet Corsair Stormwrack
Sea Witch Stormwrack
Stormcaster Stormwrack
Wavekeeper Stormwrack
Ebonmar Infiltrator Cityscape
Crimson Scourge Cityscape
Urban Savant Cityscape
Beast Heart Adept Dungeonscape
Dungeon Lord Dungeonscape
Trapsmith Dungeonscape
Legacy Champion Weapons of Legacy
Bloodclaw Master Tome of Battle
Bloodstorm Blade Tome of Battle
Deepstone Sentinel Tome of Battle
Eternal Blade Tome of Battle
Jade Phoenix Mage Tome of Battle
Master of Nine Tome of Battle
Ruby Knight Vindicator Tome of Battle
Shadow Sun Ninja Tome of Battle
Acolyte of the Ego Tome of Magic
Anima Mage Tome of Magic
Bereft Tome of Magic
Brimstone Speaker Tome of Magic
Child of Night Tome of Magic
Disciple of the Word Tome of Magic
Fiendbinder Tome of Magic
Knight of the Sacred Seal Tome of Magic
Master of Shadow Tome of Magic
Noctumancer Tome of Magic
Scion of Dantalion Tome of Magic
Shadowblade Tome of Magic
Shadowsmith Tome of Magic
Tenebrous Apostate Tome of Magic
Witch Slayer Tome of Magic
Diamond Dragon Dragon Magic
Dragon Descendant Dragon Magic
Dragon Lord Dragon Magic
Hand of the Winged Masters Dragon Magic
Pact-Bound Adept Dragon Magic
Swift Wing Dragon Magic
Wyrm Wizard Dragon Magic
Corrupt Avenger Heroes of Horror
Death Delver Heroes of Horror
Dread Witch Heroes of Horror
Fiend-Blooded Heroes of Horror
Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine Heroes of Horror
Tainted Scholar Heroes of Horror
Bonded Summoner Miniatures Handbook
Dragon Samurai Miniatures Handbook
Havoc Mage Miniatures Handbook
Skullclan Hunter Miniatures Handbook
Tactical Soldier Miniatures Handbook
War Hulk Miniatures Handbook
Warchief Miniatures Handbook
Ardent Dilettante Planar Handbook
Astral Dancer Planar Handbook
Chaotician Planar Handbook
Cipher Adept Planar Handbook
Defiant Planar Handbook
Doomguard Planar Handbook
Elemental Warrior Planar Handbook
Fatemaker Planar Handbook
Visionary Seeker Planar Handbook
Incandescent Champion Magic of Incarnum
Incarnum Blade Magic of Incarnum
Ironsoul Forgemaster Magic of Incarnum
Necrocarnate Magic of Incarnum
Sapphire Hierarch Magic of Incarnum
Soulcaster Magic of Incarnum
Spinemeld Warrior Magic of Incarnum
Totem Rager Magic of Incarnum
Umbral Disciple Magic of Incarnum
Witchborn Binder Magic of Incarnum
Arboreal Guardian Ghostwalk
Bone Collector Ghostwalk
Deathwarden Chanter Ghostwalk
Ghost Slayer Ghostwalk
Arachnomancer Drow of the Underdark
Cavestalker Drow of the Underdark
Demonbinder Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lolth Drow of the Underdark
Eye of Lolth Drow of the Underdark
Insidious Corruptor Drow of the Underdark
Demonwrecker Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
Jaunter Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
Knight of the Raven Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Dark Scholar Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
Serene Guard Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
Solar Channeler Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
Twisted Lord Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
Anarchic Initiate Complete Psionic
Ebon Saint Complete Psionic
Ectopic Adept Complete Psionic
Flayerspawn Psychic Complete Psionic
Illumine Soul Complete Psionic
Soulbow Complete Psionic
Storm Disciple Complete Psionic
Zerth Cenobite Complete Psionic


名称 必要条件 出典
Dragon Rider Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Inquisitor Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Crown Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Lily Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Rose Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Skull Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Sword Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Knight of the Thorn Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Legendary Tactician Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Righteous Zealot Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Steel Legionnaire Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Wizard of High Sorcery Dragonlance Campaign Setting


名称 必要条件 出典
Aglarondan Griffonrider Unapproachable East
Black Flame Zealot Unapproachable East
Durthan Unapproachable East
Master of the Yuirwood Unapproachable East
Nar Demonbinder Unapproachable East
Nentyar Hunter Unapproachable East
Raumathari Battlemage Unapproachable East
Runescarred Berserker Unapproachable East
Shou Disciple Unapproachable East
Talontar Blightlord Unapproachable East
Telflammar Shadowlord Unapproachable East
Thayan Slaver Unapproachable East
Ancient Master Serpent Kingdoms
Coiled Cabalist Serpent Kingdoms
Fang of Sseth Serpent Kingdoms
Master of Vipers Serpent Kingdoms
Naga Overlord Serpent Kingdoms
Serpent Slayer Serpent Kingdoms
Crinti Shadow Marauder Shining South
Great Rift Deep Defender Shining South
Halruaan Elder Shining South
Halruaan Magehound Shining South
Hand of the Adama Shining South
Jordain Vizier Shining South
Luiren Marchwarden Shining South
Maquar Crusader Shining South
Scourge Maiden Shining South
Cultist of the Shattered Peak Lost Empires of Faerûn
Glorious Servitor Lost Empires of Faerûn
Magelord Lost Empires of Faerûn
Olin Gisir Lost Empires of Faerûn
Sunmaster Lost Empires of Faerûn
Black Blood Cultist Champions of Ruin
Justice of Weald and Woe Champions of Ruin
Night Mask Deathbringer Champions of Ruin
Shade Hunter Champions of Ruin
Thayan Gladiator Champions of Ruin
Vengeance Knight Champions of Ruin
Knight of the Flying Hunt Champions of Valor
Knight of the Weave Champions of Valor
Moonsea Sentinel Champions of Valor
Triadic Knight Champions of Valor
Court Herald Power of Faerûn
Merchant Prince Power of Faerûn


名称 必要条件 出典
Atavist Races of Eberron
Cabinet Trickster Races of Eberron
Moonspeaker Races of Eberron
Quori Nightmare Races of Eberron
Reachrunner Races of Eberron
Recaster Races of Eberron
Reforged Races of Eberron
Spellcarved Soldier Races of Eberron
Cataclysm Mage Explorer's Handbook
Thunder Guide Explorer's Handbook
Windwright Captain Explorer's Handbook
Alchemist Savant Magic of Eberron
Deadgrim Magic of Eberron
Dragon Prophet Magic of Eberron
Elemental Scion of Zilargo Magic of Eberron
Impure Prince Magic of Eberron
Quori Mindhunter Magic of Eberron
Renegade Mastermaker Magic of Eberron
Vigilant Sentinel of Aerenal Magic of Eberron
Argent Fist Faiths of Eberron
Escalation Mage Faiths of Eberron
Planar Shepherd Faiths of Eberron
Sovereign Speaker Faiths of Eberron
Thief of Life Faiths of Eberron
Haztaratain Secrets of Sarlona


274 The Mystic 275 The Duelist 280 Divine Champion / Eldritch Master 281 Zerth Cenobite / Arcanopath Monk / Truth Seeker / Psi-hunter 282 Blessed of Gruumsh 283 Shining Blade of Heironeous / Radiant Servant of Pelor / Fleet Runner of Ehlonna / Mighty Contender of Kord / Flame Steward 284 Dragonkith 285 Lightbearer / Silverstar 286 Elder Druid / Nightcloak 287 The Athar / The Cipher / The Sensate / The Sinker / The Taker / The Xaositect / Fiend Slayer / Dreadmaster 288 Lifedrinker 289 Poison Fist / Ghost-faced Killer / Weightless Foot 290 Justicar / Dancer of Sharess 291 Gnome Giant Killer 292 Cave Stalker / Fiend Binder / Prairie Runner / The Darkwood Stalker 293 Nightsong Enforcer / The Glaive of Azharadian 294 Windsinger / Nightsong Infiltrator / The Green Hunter 295 Primal Rager / Fierce Grappler / Brawler / Master Siege Engineer 296 Dragonscribe / Knight of the Scale / Heartseeker / Vengeance Sworn / Dragon Mystic / Sphere Minion / Illithidkin / Snake Servant / Waker of the Beast / Acolyte of the Fist 297 Shadar Sentinel / Soulreaver / Arcane Lord / Bow Master / Perfected One / Stalwart Warden / Unholy Ravager / World Guardian / Master of the Secret Sound / Knight of the Chase 298 Deep Avenger / Gloomblade / Gray Sage / Bloodsister / Nightshade / Kabuki Warrior / Dragon Warrior 299 Reaper's Child / Monk of the Enabled Hand / Dwarven Thane / Orc Blademaster 300 Faceless Ones / Deep Thrall / Shoal Servant / Tiger Mask / The Flesheater 302 The Tainted / Mask of Johydee 307 Battlepriest of Cormyr / Council Mage of Cormyr / Noble Adventurer / Moon Drover of Cormyr / Royal Scout of Cormyr / Whitehorn / Follower of the Skyserpent / Tree-Friend / Artist's Vengeance / Ranger of the Night’s Watch 308 Aeromancer / Ordinator / Empowered 310 Branch Dancer / Mole / Jobber / Magic Filcher / Stoneface 311 Battle Howler of Gruumsh / Green Whisperer / Memory Smith / Metal Master / The Mourner / Worldspeaker 312 Oppressor / Poisoner / Replacement Killer 313 Mind Mage 314 Heartfire Fanner / Master of the North Wind / Master of the South Wind / Master of the East Wind / Master of the West Wind / Darkwater Knight / Earthshaker / Firestorm Berserker / Icesinger / Purebreath Devotee 315 Silverhair Knight / Companion of the Dead / Shark Cultist / Harmonium Peacekeeper / Anarchromancer / Omatu Master / Eagle Knight / Jaguar Knight / Boge of Nomog-Geaya 316 Master Inquisitive 317 Osteomancer / Flux Adept / Cerebrex / Ranger Knight of Furyondy / Battleguard of Tempus 318 Scout Warlord / Battlemage Warlord / Driven Leader Warlord 319 Aerial Avenger / Shen 321 The Infused / Barber / Corsair / Holy Slayer / Mamluk / Arvoreen's Keeper / Arvoreen's Warder 322 Shadow Apostle / Deathstalker of Bhaal 323 Spirit Speaker 324 Sworn Slayer 325 Bowman Charger 326 Shaper of Form 328 Chimeric Champion of Garl Glittergold / Itinerant Warder of Yondalla / Justice Hammer of Moradin / Mystic Keeper of Corellon Larethian / Force Missile Mage 329 Thrall of Pazuzu 330 Jester 333 Thrall of Fraz-Urb'luu 335 Charlatan 337 Thrall of Zuggtomy 338 Wormhunter 339 Incantifier / Son of Mercy 340 Master Astrologer 341 Thrall of Baphomet 345 Thrall of Kostchtchie 349 Thrall of Dagon 353 Thrall of Malcanthet 354 Totemic Demonslayer 357 Spell Sovereign / Thrall of Demogorgon