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防具の基盤 /Seed: Armor
呪文学難易度 14
構成要素 音声、動作
発動時間 1分
距離 接触
目標 接触したクリーチャー
持続時間 24時間
セーヴ 意志・無効(無害)
呪文抵抗 可(無害)
出典 ELC/p

  • This seed grants a creature additional armor, providing a +4 bonus to Armor Class. The bonus is either an armor bonus or a natural armor bonus, whichever the caster selects. Unlike mundane armor, the armor seed provides an intangible protection that entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Incorporeal creatures can’t bypass the armor seed the way they can ignore normal armor. For each additional point of Armor Class bonus, increase the Spellcraft DC by +2. The caster can also grant a creature a +1 bonus to Armor Class using a different bonus type, such as deflection, divine, or insight. For each additional point of bonus to Armor Class of one of these types, increase the Spellcraft DC by +10.