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強制の基盤 /Seed: Compel
呪文学難易度 19
構成要素 音声、動作
発動時間 1分
距離 75フィート
目標 生きているクリーチャー1体
持続時間 20時間
セーヴ 意志・無効
This seed compels a target to follow a course of activity.
At the basic level of effect, a spell using the compel seed must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable.
Asking the creature to do an obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect (unless the Spellcraft DC has been increased to avoid this limitation; see below).
To compel a creature to follow an outright unreasonable course of action, increase the Spellcraft DC by +10.
The compelled course of activity can continue for the entire duration. 

If the compelled activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what he or she was asked to do.

The caster can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration.
If the condition is not met before the spell using this seed expires, the activity is not performed.
出典 ELC/p