シュリーカー/Shrieker | 1 | MM1 |
ヴァイオレット・ファンガス | MM1 | |
ファントム・ファンガス | MM1 | |
アサシン・ヴァイン/Assassin Vine | 3 | MM1 |
シャンブリング・マウンド/Shambling Mound | 6 | MM1 |
テンドリキュロス/Tendriculos | 6 | MM1 |
トリエント | MM1 | |
オークワート/Orcwort | 20 | MM2 |
グリーンヴァイス/Greenvise | 10 | MM2 |
トウィグ・ブライト/Twig Blight | MM2 | |
ニードルフォーク | MM2 | |
マイコニド | MM2 | |
レッド・サンデュー/Red Sundew | 13 | MM2 |
ウッド・ウォウド/Wood Woad | MM3 | |
トピアリー・ガーディアン | MM3 | |
ドレッド・ブロッサム・スウォーム | MM3 | |
ナイト・トゥイスト | MM3 | |
バトルブライアー/Battlebriar | 15 | MM3 |
プレイグ・ブラッシュ | MM3 | |
Wizened elder | MM4 | |
Briarvex | 6 | MM4 |
Oaken Defender | MM4 | |
Fetid Fungus | MM5 | |
Demonthorn Mandrake | MM5 | |
Verdant Reaver | MM5 | |
Vinespawn | MM5 | |
Burrow Root | MM5 | |
グリーン・ウォーダー/Green Warder | 4 | MCMF |
ダーク・ツリー/Dark Tree | 7 | MCMF |
Algoid 4 Converted
Archer Bush 2 Converted
Ascomoid 4 Dungeonscape
Basidirond 5 Dragon #337
Blightspawned Treant* 9 Unapproachable East
Bloodthorn 3 Fiend Folio
Bonetree 5 Dragon #280
Choke Creeper 20 Converted
Ciruja Plant 3 Dragon #287
Crystal Sunflower 4 Web
Deathweed 4 Web
Death's Head Tree 9 Dragon #292
Gas Spore 3 Lords of Madness
Gray Fungus 5 Web
Greenbound Troll 7 Lost Empires of Faerûn
Green Guardian 7 Dragon #304
Hangman Tree 5 Converted
Hooting Fungi 1/3 Converted
Ironglass Rose 9 Web
Ironmaw 13 Fiend Folio
Ironmaw Seedling 10 Dragon #308
Ironthorn 6 Sandstorm
Kelp Angler 9 Fiend Folio
Lavabriar 2 Web
Mantrap 3 Converted
Mosslord 16 Web
Mu Spore 21 Epic Level Handbook
Myconid Average Worker 1 Monster Manual II
Myconid Circle Leader 6 Monster Manual II
Myconid Elder Worker 2 Monster Manual II
Myconid Guard 4 Monster Manual II
Myconid Junior Worker 1/2 Monster Manual II
Myconid Sovereign 7 Monster Manual II
Needlefolk 2 Monster Manual II
Night Twist 12 Monster Manual III
Night Twist, Ancient 20 Monster Manual III
Obliviax 5 Converted
Octopus Tree 12 Fiend Folio
Pale Flenser 3 Web
Phantom Fungus 3 Monster Manual
Phycomid 3 Dragon #337
Plague Brush 17 Monster Manual III
Porcupine Cactus 1 Sandstorm
Quickwood 8 Converted
13 Monster Manual II
Retch Plant 3 Converted
Root of All Evil 8 Web
Russet mold 6 Converted
Saguaro Sentinel 9 Sandstorm
Scarlet Lord (Xhagevoxhab) 18 Dungeon #85
Shambling Mound, Serpentine Converted
Slaver Fungus 10* Web
Snapper-Saw 5 Converted
Spine Springer 2 Web
Sporebat 10 Fiend Folio
Strangle Weed 3 Converted
Swarm, Dread Blossom 6 Monster Manual III
Swarm, Sheengrass 1 Web
Thornslinger 3 Converted
Thorny 2 Converted
Topiary Guardian, Boar 3 Monster Manual III
Topiary Guardian, Lion 7 Monster Manual III
Topiary Guardian, Triceritops 13 Monster Manual III
Treant 8 Monster Manual
Treant, Corrupted 10 Dragon #350
Treant, Elder 25 Epic Level Handbook
Treant, Zombie 8 Converted
Tree, Flesh-mulcher 8 Web
Tumbling Mound 3 Sandstorm
Udoroot 5 Psionics Handbook
Uloriax 17 Web
Umbral Banyan 10 Manual of the Planes
Vampire Rose 4 Converted
Vegepypmy 1 Converted
Verminvine 3 Web
Vile Water Roots 8 Web
Vine Horror 4 Fiend Folio
Violet Fungus 3 Monster Manual
Violet Fungus, Cormanthor 3 Converted
Volodni (War1) 1 Unapproachable East
Warbound Impaler (Battlebriar, Lesser) 7 Monster Manual III
Warp Drifter 4 Web
Wortling 3 Monster Manual II
Yellow Musk Creeper 4 Fiend Folio
Yellow Musk Zombie Orc* 1/2 Fiend Folio
Zygom 2 Converted