Aarakocra Aartuk Aasimar Aballin Abeil Abrian Abyssal Ant Swarm Acheierai Aerial Servant Afanc Agony Beetle Ahuizotl Air Elemental Air Mephit Aleax Algoid Allip Al-miraj Alu-fiend Ammut Amphisbaena Anakore Anaxim Angel Angel of Death Anguillian Animated Object Ankheg Annis Hag Aoa, Droplet Aranea Arcane Armand Arrowhawk Asabi Ascallion Ascomoid Aspis Drone Assassin Vine Astral Dreadnought Astral Stalker Atomie Aurumvorax Avangion Ax Beak Baazrag Babau Demon Bahamut Bajang Bakemono Baku Balaena Balhannoth Balor Banedead Banelar Banshee Bargda Barghest Bariaur Basalisk Basidirond Battle Briar Bearhound Bebilith Behir Beholder Beholder Eater Berbalang Bhut Black Pudding Bladeling Bleakborn Blibdoolpoolp Blindheim Bloodthorn Blue Blue Slaad Body Thief Bog Wader Boggard Bombardier Beetle, Giant Brain Golem Brain Mole Brown Dragon Brownie Bugbear Bullette Buraaq Cacodemon Cadaver Collector Caller In Darkness Cambion Camel of the Pearl Campestri Carapace Carbuncle Carcass Crab Carcass Eater Carnage Demon Carrion Crawler Carrion Hound Carrionette Caryatid Column Caterwaul Catoblepas Caulborn Cave Fisher Centaur Century Worm Chac Changecat Changeling Chaos Beast Charnel Hound Chilblain Chimera Choker Chosen One Chososion Chuul Cifal Cilops Cisternfiend Clay Golem Clock Roach Cloud Giant Cloud Ray Cockatrice Colossus Wood Colossus, Stone Concordant Killer Crypt Servant Dabus Dancing Dead Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga Dark Caller Dark Creeper Dark Naga Dark Tree Darken Beast Darkmantle Darksun Dragon Darktentakles Deathbringer Death Dog Death Knight Deepspawn Deinonychus Defacer Delver Demodand Demogorgon Devourer Dire Shark Disenchanter Dispater, Lord of Dis Displacer Beast Djinni Dohwar Dolphin Doppelganager Dracolisk Dragon Dragon Turtle Dragonborn Dragonfly Turtle Drider Drow Duckbunny Dune Stalker Dust Digger Dust Wight Dwarf Dwarven Banshee D'ziriak Eagle Ear Seeker Earth Elemental Earth Mephit Eblis Ectoplasmic Ooze Effigy Effigy Creature Efreet Eladrin, Firre Elasmosaurus Elder Brain Elder Thing Electric Eel Elemental of Blood Elemental Storm Elemental, Grue Elephant Elf Elmarin Else Whale Elven Dog Elysian Thrush Entomber Entropic Ogre Mage Entropic Reaper Enveloper Ephemeral Swarm Erinyes Ermalkankari Ermordenung Erythnul Ether Scarab Ethereal Filcher Ethereal Marauder Ethergaunt, Black Ettercap Ettin Eurypterid Exalted Brain in a Jar Executioner's Hood Eye Killer Eye of Fear and Flame Eye of the Deep Faceless Stalker Facet Fachen Fairy Fiddler Famine Spirit Fang Dragon Farspawn Faun Felldrake, Crested Feral Yowler Fetch Faylaar Feyr Fey'ri Fhorge Firbolg Fire Bat Fire Cult Warrior Fire Giant Fire Monolith Fire Newt Fire Toad Firebeetle Flail Snail Flame Snake Flameskull Flesh Golem Flesh Jelly Flumph Flytrap, Giant Fomorian Foo Forest Sloth Forestkith Goblin Formian Forsaken Fossergrim Foxwoman Fraz-Urb'luu Frigidarch Frost Giant Frost Salamander Frost Worm Fungal Creature Gaj Galeb Duhr Gambado Gambol Gammaroid Garbug Gargoyle Gas Spore Gasper Gathra Gelatinous Cube Genie Ghast Ghaunadan Ghoul Giant Strider Giant, Bog Giant, Sun Gibbering Mouther Giff Girallon Githyanki Githzerai Glabrezu Glaistig Gnoll Gnome Godzilla Golem, Hangman Goliath Gorgon Gorilla Bear Goristro Green Hag Gremlin Grey Glutton Grey Ooze Grey Render Grimlock Grimweird Grindylow Guardian Gynosphinx Haagenti Hadozee Hagunemnon Hag, Sea Hair, Living Half-Fiend Halfling, Athasian Halfling Vampire Half-magma Feylaar Hamster, Giant Space Hannya Harpoon Spider Harpy Harssef Hatori Head Hunter Hebi-No-Onna Hej-kin Hell Hound Hellcat Hellfire Wyrm Helmed Horror Hengeyokai Heucuva Hezrou Hieracosphinx High Irda Hill Giant Hippocampus Hippogriff Hippogriff, Pseudonatural Hoar Fox Hobgoblin Hollow Serpent Hollyphant Homunculus Hook Horror Horax Horse, Draft Hound of the Gloom Howler Hulking Corpse Hullathoin Human Hybsil Hydra Ibixian Ibrandlin Ice Devil Ice Mephit Ice Serpent Ice Toad Ice Vampire Ice Weird Ichthyocentaur Id Fiend IffanbutT Ifrit Igundi Ijiraq Ikiryo Iko-Turso Illithilich Illurien Ilsidahur Imix Immolation Devil Immoth Imorph Imp Impersonator Incubus Indricothere Inevitable, Kolyarut Inevitable, Marut Inferno Spider Inphidian Inspired Intellect Devourer Invisible Flying Ray Invisible Stalker Iron Clad Mauler Iron Cobra Iron Golem Iron Tusker Ironmaw Ishikorobukuru Isychiros Ixitxachitl Ixzan Jabberwok Jacinth Dragon Jackalope Jackel Lord Jackelwere Jackfrost Jack-O-Lantern Jaculi Jade Dragon Jaebrin Jagre Jahi Jalath'gak Jaleeda Bird Jammer Leech Jann Jarbo Jarilith Jarnkung Jelly, Slithering Tracker Jellyfish Swarm Jellyfish, Giant Jellyfish, Giant, Portuguese Man-of-War Jeral Jermlaine Jhakar Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki Jishun Mushi Jolly Roger Jorri Jorogumo Jovoc Demon Joystealer Jozhal Jub-Jub Bird Juggernaut Juhrion Juiblex Juju Zombie Julajimus Jungle Giant Justicator Jyoti Kaisharga Kalothagh Kamadan Kani Doll Kank Kaorti Kapak Draconian Kapoacinth Kappa Karrnathi Skeleton Karrnathi Zombie Kartoeba Kech Keeper Kelpie Kelp Angeler Kender Kenku Khaasta Khajit Kigrid Killer Frog Killoren Kilmoulis Ki-rin Kirre Klurichir Kluzd Knell Beetle Kobold Kodama Kami Kopru Korred Kostchtchie Kraken Krakentua Krenshar K'r'r'r Kruthik Kuldurath Kuo-toa Kuwa Kython Kyton Laerti Lamhigyn Lamia Lamia Matriarch Lammasu Lava Dragon Lava Mephit Larva Leach Swarm Leachwalker Leech Toad Legendary Bear Lemure Leng Spider Lensman Leonal Leprechaun Leskylor, 3 Headed Leucrotta Lhee Lhiannan Shee Lhosk Lich Lillend Limbo Stalker Linnorm Lirr Living Holocaust Living Spell Living Spell: Cloudkill Living Steel Living Wall Lizardfolk Lizardfolf Blackscale Locatah Locathah Lock Lurker Lodestone Marauder Lolth Lolth-Touched Creature Loxo Lumi Lunar Ravage Lupinal Lurker Above Lurking Strangler Lynkhab Mad Slasher Maelephant Maenad Maftet Malastor Malcanthet Magebane Mageripper Swarm Maggot Golem Magic Golem Magman Magma Mephit Mammon Mammoth Mamono Mantari Manticore Margyle Marilith Marrash Marzanna Masked Power Maug Maugoth Meazel Medusa Meenlock Megalodon Megapede Mephit Merrow Mihstu Mimic Mind Flayer Mivilorn Modron Mohrg Mongrelman Monkey Mudmaw Mummy, Salt Murderoid Myconid Naga Nagahydra Nagatha Nagpa Nalfeshnee Nat, Einsaung Necronaut Necrophidius Necrosis Carnex Needlefolk Needleman Needletooth Swarm Neh-Thalggu Nehwon Ghost Neogi Neolithid Neo-Otyugh Nereid Nergal Nethersight Mastiff Nic'epona Night Hag Nightcrawler Nighthunter Nightmare Nightmare Beast Nightmare Moon Nightwalker Nightwing Nikaal Nilbog Nimblewright Nishruu Nixie Nocnista Nocticula Norker Nosferatu Nothic Nuckalavee Nupperibo Nycaloth Nycter Nymph Oaken Defender Obliviax Oblivion Moss Mindmaster Obox-Ob Observer Obsidian Golem Obsidian Man Ocean Strider Oceanid Oceanus Dragon Ochre Jelly Ocularon Odem Odopi Ogre Ogre Mage Ogre, Mummified Ogremoch Ogrillon Olhydra Olive Slime Omm-Wa Omnimental Oni Ooze Mephit Ophidian Opinicus Orange Dragon Orc Orca Orcus Orcwort Oread Ormyrr Orog Orpsu Osquip Ostego Osyluth Otyugh Oublivae Overseer Owl Owlbear Pack Fiend Pahari Paka Pale Night Palimpsest Pazuzu Pech Pegasus Penanggalan Pernicon Peryton Phaerimm Phanaton Phantom Flyer Phantom Fungus Phase Spider Phasm Pheonix Phiuhl Phoelarh Phooka Piercer Pigeontoad Pink Dragon Piranha Swarm Pit Fiend Pixie Plague Blight Plague Walker Planetar Plant, Intelligent, Hangmantree Plasm Polong Pony Prismatic Dragon Pseudodragon Psion-Killer Psurlon Pterrax Pugwanpi Pulp Bee Purple Worm Pyreen Pyrohydra Qallupilluck Qeh'thral Qiqirn Q'nidar Quadrone Quaggoth Quakedancer Qualinesti Elf Quanlos Quantum Quaraphon Quasi-Elemental of Lightning Quasi-Elemental of Mineral Quasi-Elemental of Radiance Quasi-Elemental of Steam Quasi-Elemental, Ash and Dust Quasi-Elemental, Salt and Vacuum Quasit Quatsch Queen Abeil Queen Ant, Giant Queen Formain Queen of Air and Darkness Queen of Chaos Queen of the Abyss Queen of the Depths Quell Quelzarn Quesar Questing Beast Quevari Quickling Quickwood Quill Quinametin Quinton Quipper Qullan Quom Enforcer Quorcraft Warforged Quori Quori, Dream Master Quth-maren Radiant Spirit Rage Drake Ragewalker Ragewind Raggamoffyn Raiment Rakshasa Rampager Rast Rastipede Rat, Giant Ratling Rautym Raven Ravenkin Ravid Razor Boar Razorwing Red Abishai Red Slaad Red Sundew Red Widow Redcap Redspawn Firebelcher Reefclaw Reggalid Relentless Chuul Remorhaz Resplendant Cloaker Retriever Revenant Rhek/Rhox Rhyxali Rilmani Rilmani Aurumach Roc Roper Rorphyr Rot Grub Swarm Rothe Ruckaruzyll Runic Guardian Rust Dragon Rust Monster Sadhuin Sahuagin Sail Snake Salamander Saltor Salt Spider Sandman Satyr Saurial Scalamagdrion Scarecrow Scrag Scro Seacat Selkie Shade Shadow Asp Shadow Mastiff Shaggy Demodand Shalarin Shambling Mound Shami-Amourae Sheet Phantom Shocker Lizard Shrieking Terror Siddwynd Silt Horror Simpathetic Skeleton Skulking Cyst Skum Slaymate Slicer Beetle Son of Kyuss Spider Cactus Spider-Horse Spirit Naga Spithriku Splinter Waif Ssendam Stunjelly Succubus Sussurus Swarm Shifter Sylph Tabaxi Taer Tako Tall Mouther Tangleweed Tarlen Tarrasque Tasloi T'Chowb Tembo Tempest Tendriculous Tentamort Teratomorph Terithran Terror Bird Teyella Thesselhydra Thesselmera Thoqqua Thorn Thought Eater Thrax Tiamat Tiefling Tiger Fly Tirapheg Titan Tojanda, Elder Tomb Spider Tomb Tapper Topaz Dragon Topiary Guardian Treant Tressym Trilloch Troglodyte Troll Troll Hound Turaglas, the Ebon Maw Twig Blight Two-Headed Troll Tyrannosaurus Rex Ubashki Swarm Ubu Udoroot Ugudenk Ugulu-No-Oni Uldra Ulgurstasta Ulnumaru Ultroloth Umber Hulk Umber Ravager Umbral Banyan Umbral Dragon Umpleby Undead Martyr Underdark Landwyrm Underworld Dragon Undine Undying Ungulosin Unicorn Unicorn, Black Unisus Unraveler Unseelie Nymph Uraeus Urannag Urchin, Land Urd Urdefhan Urdunnir Uridezu Urophion Ursinal Urskan Ushemoi Uspasunda, Asara Ustilagor Utahraptor U'thic Utuchekulu Utukku Uvuudaum Vaath Vaati Vadyanoi Valenar Elf Valkyrie Valpurgeist Vampire Vampiric Mist Vampyre Vanara Vaporighu Varag Varanid Vargouille Varrengoin Vartha Vasuthant Vegypygmy Veiled Master Velociraptor Venomous Snake Verin Verme Vermin Lord Vermiurge Vilstrak Violet Garbug Viper Tree Visilight Vishap Vizier's Turban Voadkyn Void Ooze Voidmind Volt Voonith Vorlog Vortex Vrock Vrrxlsk Vrykolaka Vulchling Vulture Walking Egg Walking Wall Wang-Liang Warbound Impaler Warden Beast Warforged Warforged Raptor Wastrilith Water Weird Webbird Web Mummy Wemic Wendigo Werebadger Wererat Wereshark Weretiger Werewolf Wheep Whisper Spider White Dragon Wichtlin Wickerman Wight Will-o'-the-Wisp Wind Ghost Winter Wolf Witchlight Marauder Witherstench Wolf Spider Wolf-in-Sheeps-Clothing Wolverine Wood Golem Wood Woad Woolly Mammoth Worg Worm that Walks Worm, Tenebrous Wrackspawn Wraith Wyndlass Wyste Wyvern Xaaer Xacarba Xag-ya/Xag-yi Xanscilathampos Xanthon the Baneful Xanthonychos Xanthos Xantravar Xavarathimius Xaositect Xaren Xathanon Xaver Xaxathart Xen'drik Giant Xenomorph Xenopterid Xenostelid Xenro Xeph Xerfilstyx Xerichou Xeriope Xiir Xill Xilob Xinivrae Xivort Xixchil Xixical Xixxit X-Naut Xong-Yong Xorbeast Xorn Xorvintaal Dragon Xor-Yost Xotani Xotzcoyotl Xoveron Xtabay Xurgelmek Xvart Xxyth Xytar Yag Yaggol Yagnoloth Yakfolk Yali Yan-C-Bin Yangethe Yeenoghu Yellow Dragon Yellow Mould Yellow Musk Creeper Yellow Musk Zombie Yeshom Yeth Hound Yethil Yeti Y'Golonac Yig Yithian Yitsan Yochlol Yog-Sothoth Yondalla Yowler Yphoz Ypotryll Yrthak Ysgardian Troll Yu Lung Yuan-ti Abomination Yuan-ti Anathema Yuan-ti, Histachil Yuan-ti, Ignan Yuan-ti Mageslayer Yuan-ti Pureblood Yugoloth Yugoloth, Canoloth Yugoloth, Dergholoth Yugoloth, Mezzoloth Yugoloth, Skeroloth Yugoloth, Voor, the Dradful Lasher Yugoloth, Corrupter of Fate Assassin Yuki-onna Yurian Zairtail Firetongue Zakharan Ogre Zakharan Roc Zanassu Zaphkiel Zaratan Zard Zebranaur Zeidian Zeikune Zeitgeist Zenythri Zern Zern, Arcanovore Zern Experiment, Blood Thrall Zeugalak Zeuglodin Zezir Zhacker Zhentarim Spirit Ziggurat Horror Zik-trin'ak Zik-Trin'ta Zin Zin-carla Zodar Zokujin Zombie Fog Zombie Hulk Zombie Lord Zombie, Salt Zombie Wolf Zomak Zoog Zorbo Zoveri Zovvut Zuggtmoy Zurchin Zuvembie Zwarth Zygom Zygraat Zzonga Bush